
Updating Your Investor Relations Deck: Who Should Do It, and How Often?

Your investor presentation is one of the first things that investors and analysts look for (along with SEC filings) when trying to get up to speed on your company. It’s often the first chance to tell your story in a crafted manner.

In other words, it’s crucial.

An effective deck contains a clear communication of management’s vision, the company’s market opportunity, its competitive advantages, and its growth strategy.

How frequently should you refresh your IR deck? We think that it should be updated each quarter and kept current on your website. Make sure you replace the previous version each time you update your deck; never keep multiple versions of your investor deck online.

However, there are times when the content of the presentation needs a more significant overhaul than the quarterly update. Some examples are:

  • Significant product introductions
  • Shifts in corporate strategy
  • Entry into new markets
  • Changes in the marketplace such as CMS reimbursement decisions or new entrant
  • Gaining FDA approval to move from a clinical/regulatory stage to a more commercial focus which requires different messaging, and potentially targets a different investor base

Although surprises happen sometimes, most changes to your business can be planned for. When a change is coming, you should be ready with the necessary updates to your IR deck to tell the company’s evolving story.

We suggest at least two IR strategic planning sessions each year in which you discuss messaging. The content of your IR deck will come from those meetings, and will reflect the tone and key messaging resulting from considered discussion on your company’s situation, target investors, financing needs, etc.

Who should be involved in updating your deck? It’s important, so treat is as such: The C-level executives should be heavily involved. The chief executive is most important. It’s tempting for the CEO to delegate this task to others and just review their output. We know that best use of a CEO’s time is actually running the business; however, his or her input, especially in the initial stages, is key. The CEO is integral in developing the themes and overall direction of the message.

The CFO is necessary, as well, to provide input into properly communicating the proof points of commercial success and future growth levers. You should also involve marketing and heads of business units to provide input on the market, products and competitive positioning. And finally, the IR deck should be reviewed by the legal team.

Remember that the IR deck is a means of telling your story in a way that press releases and SEC filings can’t, and is often the Street’s the first stop in learning about your company. Create a clear, compelling, professional deck, and keep it refreshed, relevant, and current. An updated deck that is tied in to the company’s message right now — not three months ago — is the goal.

Westwicke has helped produce and update hundreds of investor decks, and we can help with yours. Just reach out to start a conversation.