Financial restructuring or filing for bankruptcy protection is a means to save a distressed company, giving it the opportunity to fix its problems and continue as a going concern. But as it’s a long process involving stakeholders from employees to creditors to regulators and bankruptcy courts.
Communications play such an important role in the bankruptcy process. For a company to turn things around and fix the issues that led to insolvency, it must be able to message its plan to all stakeholders at each key point throughout the process.
But, the process can be long and complex, and each phase requires a different approach to communications to garner support. Below, we outline a few communications tips for each step of the bankruptcy filing process.
During this step, when the public and other interested parties first learn about the company’s financial difficulties, companies should clearly explain why they need to seek bankruptcy court protection and their plans for the future.
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At this point, the company will ask for approval to take certain steps to operate through the bankruptcy process, such as using cash on hand to pay bills or extend certain court deadlines. Public communications during this phase should focus on managing stakeholder perceptions and building support for your big-picture plan.
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After filing the bankruptcy petition, the company has 120 days with the exclusive right to file a plan of reorganization. During this time period, it is critical that companies use communications to garner support and consensus around that plan with creditors, landlords, vendors, employees, and other interested parties.
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With approval from the judge, the debtor will start soliciting votes on the reorganization plan, which includes an outline of how much each creditor will receive based on their claims. This is one of the most newsworthy events during the filing, so communications should clearly describe how the reorganization will better position the company financially and operationally going forward.
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As the company exits the bankruptcy process, it should engage with stakeholders and the public to rebuild any eroded trust and provide insight into the “new” company.
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While every case is different, prioritizing communications during each step of the bankruptcy filing process can help companies move forward with a reduced debt burden, a clean slate, and a plan for a successful future. For a deeper look into the bankruptcy filing process and the strategic role of communications during each step of the process, download our eBook, Communications During Bankruptcy and Restructuring: Oxygen in the Corporate ER.