Growing up, I saw my parents immerse themselves in charity work. As a child, my elder sister fought Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and I saw first-hand how my parents’ donations impacted others. From giving books, video tapes and toys to Children’s Cancer wards, organising events and bringing in homemade food for the doctors and nurses, the manner of “giving back” is instilled in me.
Our company values are the backbone of ICR Consilium, something which I noticed back when I joined in 2018. Driven, Plugged In, Full of Life and Caring – proudly displayed on the walls of our office and in the heart of all our interactions and day-to-day activities. “Caring”: this value is at the core of everything we do. It influences how we interact with each other as a team and how we continue to “give back” as a company.
My colleague, Lindsey Neville, and I work closely on our charity work here at ICR Consilium and we ensure that everyone in our team has a say in which charitable causes we support and which events we participate in.
Today, Tuesday 7th of November marks Purple Tuesday, and ICR Consilium is proud to be a sponsor.
Initiated by our friends at specialist health, care and education services provider CareTech, Purple Tuesday is the largest global social movement working to improve the customer experience for disabled people and their families 365 days a year. One in five people globally have some type of disability, making them the world’s largest minority group. Purple Tuesday’s mission is to raise awareness and understanding of accessible solutions, educate and inspire organisations to take steps towards providing a better customer experience for disabled people. Our company values and culture encourage inclusivity, and to be caring to one another, making our collaboration a perfect fit.
We gained many useful insights following our attendance to webinars and sessions held by the Purple Tuesday team and applied them in practice to increase awareness and availability of disabled access. Thanks for Purple Tuesday for highlighting the social responsibility to do this. We will continue to foster awareness for enhanced accessibility and thank the team at Purple Tuesday for their guidance.

Whilst financial contributions are crucial, we believe our time and advocacy for causes helps create a culture of good will and encourages others to do the same. An example of this is the charity work we completed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We organised fundraising initiatives for our team to support those less fortunate than us.
As a team, we walked/cycled/swam 2,299km between us (the length of the Great Barrier Reef) raising money for Parley for the Oceans. Following on from this and the positive feedback we received from our team, we did another challenge where we collectively accomplished the length of the Amazon Rainforest, supporting the World Wildlife Fund.

October marked Breast Cancer Awareness month and as well as a donation, our team dressed ‘pretty in pink’ in the office to mark Wear It Pink day. Breast Cancer Now’s #WearItPink day is one of the biggest fundraising events in the UK. It has been running for 20 years and has raised £39 million in the process through events from bake sales to netball tournaments. Some of the ICR Consilium team are below in their pinkest finery!

World Mental Health Day – here at ICR Consilium, mental health does and always will matter. This year, our team took a walk through the City for World Mental Health Day, meeting at a local park to catch up and eat homemade cake.

Cancer Research UK Shine Night walk – over the years, our team join supporters lighting up London’s streets, walking a half marathon, raising money for life saving cancer research.

Pride – we are proud to support the LGBTQIA+ community as an equal-opportunity employer and celebrate our diverse team at ICR Consilium and believe we all thrive when we can be our true selves. For Pride 2023, we highlighted three charities we have supported that help the LGBTQIA+ community by providing healthcare, safe housing, and other forms of support: Stonewall UK, Mermaids UK and AKT.

We are proud of the charity work we do and the causes which we support at ICR Consilium. We hope our charity work inspires our contacts to follow suit and can bring about meaningful change for those in need.
If you would like to suggest a charity/cause for ICR Consilium to support, please do so by emailing info@consilium-comms.com