
Top 10 Benefits Of Non-Deal Road Shows

Right after you report earnings is the ideal time to get out on the road and tell your story to the Street. Sell-side analysts are incentivized to market with management teams, so they are always willing to sponsor a non-deal road show (NDRS).

With the increased distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, travel may begin resuming over the next several months. If you decide to travel in person, it’s critical to pinpoint the right city and sponsoring analyst to make the most of the NDRS. If you opt for a virtual or hybrid virtual/in-person NDRS, choosing a city may not be an issue — but there are still several important considerations to keep in mind.

Non-deal road shows involve planning and work but can deliver meaningful results. Below are what we consider the top 10 benefits.

  1. Ensure the Street is current on your recent results
    Marketing right after you report earnings means you’ll have fresh information to discuss and ensures that your shareholders fully understand your recent results.
  2. Spend time with your top 10 shareholders
    Buy-side accounts expect senior management teams to visit their offices annually if they rank in the top 10 holders of the company. Maintaining a good rapport with your major shareholders will ensure that they remain in your corner — and will likely reduce, though not eliminate, the chance of the account blowing out of their holdings after one piece of bad news.
  3. Build better relationships with your research analysts
    Spending the day with a sponsoring analyst allows them to familiarize themselves with your story, as they’ll hear it multiple times throughout the day. It also helps them get a handle on how you answer the buy side’s questions. And quite likely, the analyst will also write a research note on the day.
  4. Strengthen or upgrade your shareholder base
    While it’s important to see existing shareholders, it’s just as important to recruit new shareholders. We suggest a 50/50 mix of existing versus potential new shareholders, and non-deal road shows provide an excellent opportunity to target new, high quality shareholders.
  5. Update your corporate deck to ensure it captures your growth plans
    Marketing forces you to refresh your deck to ensure it reflects your current story. Frequent non-deal road shows mean you won’t end up with a terribly stale deck, so make sure your presentation properly reflects recent results and future growth plans.
  6. Garner real-time feedback on your story
    Buy-side analysts are not shy about offering their opinions, and the non-deal road show will give you an opportunity to hear varied opinions and hopefully give you new ideas on how to better present your story to future audiences.
  7. Get to know more than the buy-side analyst
    While you may only meet with a buy-side analyst at a conference, they will likely invite more members of the team (portfolio managers) when you meet in their offices.
  8. Find out what the buy side sees as the “short story” on your stock
    Buy-siders are generally more than happy to share and give feedback on what they hear about your company. A face-to-face meeting or video conference is a good chance to gauge the overall perception on the Street.
  9. Meet accounts that don’t participate in conferences
    Some high quality, long term focused accounts do not pay a lot of trading commission to firms, which in turn precludes them from participating in many investor conferences. These accounts can still be excellent shareholders, and a targeted NDRS gives you a chance to meet them.
  10. Maximize your efforts
    When you plan well, non-deal road shows allow you to make the most of your time. If you are traveling in person, request that the sponsoring sell-side firm reserve the breakfast or lunch meeting for a group setting. Alternatively, the firm could host an investor dinner for your team if you arrive in the city the night before.

By getting on the road and telling your story to the Street, you’ll experience many benefits. Download the checklist, “10 Benefits of Non-Deal Road Shows.”

Westwicke works with clients to help them utilize time efficiently, maximize the time they spend on the road, and ultimately optimize their investor relations. Contact us to learn more.