Based in Washington, D.C., Michael W. Robinson is a trusted counselor and strategist to global C-suite executives, boards of directors, elected officials, and capital markets leaders. Michael has been directly involved with the highest-profile business, financial, and public policy issues of the last three-plus decades, from Wall Street to the White House to the highest levels of Corporate America. Drawing on his experience at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), The White House, Department of Justice, The NASDAQ Stock Market, FINRA, Mobil Oil, Freddie Mac, several global consultancies, and The New York Times, Michael combines senior-level crisis communications, public affairs, and corporate reputation experience with deep strategic communications expertise.
Michael headed the communications War Room at AIG during the 2008-2009 financial crisis; drove the successful multiyear corporate reputation campaign for CITGO; implemented the successful public affairs program that ensured regulatory approval for the Borse Dubai – NASDAQ merger; and has led dozens of companies – and boards – through a myriad of crisis issues including data breaches, Congressional and other investigations, product recalls, bankruptcies, and executives transitions.
As the SEC’s Chief Spokesman and Public Affairs & Policy Director, Michael directed the development of policies and commentary across a wide breadth of issues, including post-9/11 recovery, Sarbanes-Oxley, Enron, WorldCom, and other high-profile enforcement and policy matters. Earlier, as Chief Communications Officer of Friedman Billings Ramsey Group, he headed external and internal corporate communications, marketing, investor relations, and government affairs – and cemented the firm’s reputation as one of the nation’s top investment banks and capital markets firms.
Michael has a Bachelor of Arts from Syracuse University (Magna Cum Laude) with degrees in Newspaper Journalism and Political Science.