Post Creator: Madyson Watts

Mid-Year Equity Capital Markets Update: 2024

By ICR | eBook

The first half of 2024 saw a resurgence in equity issuance, with 37 IPOs raising over $18 Billion. Companies and their sponsors have capitalized on favorable market conditions. The increase in issuance was underpinned by equity indices trading near all-time highs (the S&P 500 reached 31 all-time highs in 1H 2024) and the VIX remaining consistently below 20 (hitting a new low of 11.86 at the end of May).

Get our full Mid-Year Equity Capital Markets Update for more details on:

  • Strong post-IPO aftermarket performance, with average one day “pop” of 16%
  • Block trade and follow-on volume increases
  • Second half of 2024 IPO outlook
  • U.S. IPOs and the Presidential election
  • …and more

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